Hon'ble Minister
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Fax | Email Address | Office Address | Res. Address |
Shri Rajnath Singh | Raksha Mantri (Defence Minister) | 23012286, 23019030 (Office) 23793881(R), 23014184(R) |
23015403 | rmo[at]mod[dot]nic[dot]in | 104, South Block, New Delhi |
17, Akbar Road, New Delhi - 110001 |
Shri Amit Kishore, IAS (UP:2011) | Private Secretary to RM | 23012286, 23019030 (Office) | 23018285 | rmo[at]mod[dot]nic[dot]in | 105, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Krishnendra Pratap Singh | OSD to Raksha Mantri | 23012286, 23019030 (Office) | 23015403 | 102-G, South Block, New Delhi | ||
Shri Prabhat Kumar Tripathi | OSD to Raksha Mantri | 23012286, 23019030 (Office) | 23015403 | 102-G, South Block, New Delhi | ||
Shri Amarendra Tiwari | Additional Private Secretary to Raksha Mantri | 23012286, 23019030 (Office) | 23015403 | 107, South Block, New Delhi |
Hon'ble Minister of State
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Fax | Email Address | Office Address | Res. Address |
Shri Sanjay Seth | Raksha Rajya Mantri (Minister of State for Defence) | 23792128, 23310353(Office) | 23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 114-A, South Block, New Delhi | 14-E, FEROZESHAH Road, New Delhi |
- | PS to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) | 23792128(Office) 23310353(R) |
23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 113-A, South Block | |
Shri Ujjwal Kumar | OSD to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) | 23792128, 23794621 | 23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 111-C, South Block New Delhi |
Shri Jitendra Nath Mahato | Additional PS to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) |
23792128, 23794621 | 23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 111-C, South Block New Delhi |
- | APS to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) | 23792128, 23794621 | 23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 112-B, South Block New Delhi | |
Shri Kumar Vivekanand | 1 st PA to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) |
23792128, 23794621 | 23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 111-C, South Block New Delhi |
Department of Defence
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Fax | Email Address | Office Address | Res. Address |
Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh, IAS (KL:1989) | Defence Secretary | 23012380, 23011976 (Office) | 23010044 | defsecy[at]nic[dot]in | 101-A, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
Bungalow No. 26, New Moti Bagh, New Delhi-110021 |
Shri Amar Singh Chauhan | Sr. PPS to Defence Secretary | 23012380, 23011976 (Office) | 23010044 | 199-C, South Block, New Delhi | ||
Shri Prem Singh Raghuvanshi | OSD to Defence Secretary | 23012380 (Office) | 199-C, South Block, New Delhi | |||
Shri Muthuthevar Kannan | PS to Defence Secretary | 23012380 (Office) | 199-C, South Block, New Delhi | |||
Sh. Samir Kumar Sinha, IAS (AM : 94) |
AS & DG (Acquisition) |
23014219 (Office) |
23794721 |
dgacq-mod[at]nic[dot]in |
137, South Block, New Delhi |
Smt. Dipti Mohil Chawla, IDAS:95 | Additional Secretary | 23017678 (Office) | 23019658 | addlsecy-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 199-B, South Block, New Delhi-11 | H. No. 356, K.P. Thakkar Block, Asian Games Village, New Delhi - 110049 |
Shri Mayank Tewari, (IRSME :93) | Joint Secretary (Coordination & Border Roads) | 23014222 (Office) | 23794602 | jsmt-dod[at]gov[dot]in | 198-B, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Gaurav Agarwal, IRSME (1994) | CVO (MES & BRO) | 23010161 (Office) | cvomb-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 139, Kashmir House, New Delhi | ||
Shri Rakesh Mittal, (IDES:95) | Joint Secretary (Lands & Works) | 23019474 (Office) | 23019480 | jslw-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 8-D, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Manish Tripathi, IDAS (1998) | Joint Secretary (Medical/Parliament/Establishment) | 23018832 (Office) | 23015444(Fax) | jse[at]nic[dot]in | 198-A, South Block, New Delhi-11 | D-II/C-9, North Moti Bagh, New Delhi - 110021 |
Shri Pawan Kumar Sharma, IAS (MP:1999) | Joint Secretary (Training Division, Coast Guard, CISO & SSC) | 23015256 (Office) | ||||
Lt. Gen. Vinod G. Khandare (retd.) | Principal Adviser (USC) | 23010168, 23010169 (Office) | pr[dot]advisor-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 7-A, South Block, New Delhi | ||
Shri Satyajit Mohanty, IRS (C & IT : 1999) | Joint Secretary ( Defence Policy, Armed Forces Wing, CSD & Planning) | 23792043 (Office) | 23013787 | jsaf-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 9, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Dharmendra Kumar Singh, IA&AS (2000) | Joint Secretary & AM (Air) | 23014944 (Office) | 23017791 | ama[at]nic[dot]in | 130-A, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Amitabh Prasad, (IA&AS) : 2001 | Joint Secretary (IC/AP), Ceremonial & CAO |
23015952, 24199401 (Office) |
23014673 |
prasada[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in ic-mod[at]gov[dot]in |
110, South Block, 101, A-Block Defence Offices Complex, Africa Avenue, Delhi. |
Shri Vishwesh Negi, (IFS:2002) | Joint Secretary (lnternational Cooperation) | 23011752 (Office) | 23013752 | jspic[at]nic[dot]in | 109-B, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Dinesh Kumar, IAS (NL 2004) |
Joint Secretary & AM (M&S) and CVO(MOD) |
23016447 (Office) |
23015875, |
jsamms-mod[at]gov[dot]in cvo-mod[at]gov[dot]in |
109-A, South Block, New Delhi |
Dr. Ajay Kumar, IAS (GJ:2006) | Joint Secretary & AM (LS) | 23011862 (Office) | 23013489 | amls[at]nic[dot]in | 108-A, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Mool Chand Bhaskar, (ISS) | Statistical Adviser | 23015040 (Office) | moolchand[dot]b[at]nic[dot]in | 155, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi | ||
Rear Admiral P.A.A.R. Sadiq, NM | Additional Director General Acquisition Technical (Maritime & Systems) | 21411707 (Office) | tmms-modacq[at]navy[dot]gov[dot]in | 5, D-II Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi | ||
AVM GK Mohan AVSM | Additional Director General Acquisition Technical (Air) | 23012068 (Office) | 23012068(Fax) | awingair-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 469, Air HQ (Vayu Bhawan) |
Maj Gen Tarun Agrawal | Additional Director General Acquisition Technical (Army) | 21410320 (Office) |
tmls-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 30, D-II Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Office Address | |
Shri G.K. Baranwal | Director (Gen/IT) | 23019713 | dirit-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 208-G, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Nikhil Saxena | Director (Coord) | 23012809 | dircoord-dod[at]nic[dot]in | 273-B, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Pankaj Srivastava | Director (Air-II) | 23060095 | 373, Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi | |
Shri Abhishek Chauhan | Director (Coord), DoD | 23012488 | - | 236-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Ms. Ridhima Vasisht | Director (Acq.Sect) | 23792865 | 227-C, South Block, New Delhi | |
Alka Ahuja | Director (CG) (Pers. & Policy) | 23012557 | 88, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Ashok Chakrapani | Director (Trg) | 23017523 | ashok[dot]cci[at]gov[dot]in | 205-A, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri D.S. Bhadauria | Director (Med) | 23012811 | dsbhadauria[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in | 11-D, South Block, New Delhi |
Ms. Sharmistha Maitra | Director (Lands) | 23017227 | sharmistha[dot]2005-ides[at]gov[dot]in | 12-A, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Prekshit Prashant | Director (BR-I) | 23014862 | 411, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi | |
Shri Pranay Soni | Director (Planning & Policy) | |||
Shri S. Khajuria | Director (Navy Acquisition) | 23012392 | susheelkhajuria-cwc[at]nic[dot]in | 229-A, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Sanjai Bajpai | Advisor(Parl.) | 23010646, Fax 23011429 | usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in | 18, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
Col. Yash Vardhan Patel | Advisor (IC-I) | 23792134 | dsic1-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 98 - D, South Block, New Delhi |
Col. Shailender S. Arya | Advisor (IC-II) | 23793835 | a[dot]shailender396h[at]gov[dot]in | 98, South Block, New Delhi |
Gp Capt VS Srihari | Advisor (IC-V) | 23794490 | advdelta-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 5-B, South Block, New Delhi |
Cmde Sairam Balaji | Advisor (IC-Coord) | 23016509 | advic3-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 5-B, South Block, New Delhi |
Gp Capt SD Nigam | Advisor (IC-VI) | 23012732 | advic6-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 313-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Anurag Srivastava | Advisor (IC) East | 23794473 | osdic-iii-dod[at]gov[dot]in | 220-A, South Block, New Delhi |
Col. Pradeep Singh Saini | Advisor (IC-VII) | advisor-ic7[at]gov[dot]in | 117-B, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi | |
Shri Sunil Chauhan | DS (CG & Acq.) | 23793567 | sunil[dot]chauhan17[at]nic[dot]in | 227-(B-1), South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Shibatosh Banerji | DS (E) | 23014369 | shibatosh[dot]banerji[at]nic[dot]in | 318, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Harish Upadhayay | DS (CP)/HU | 23011681 | harish[dot]upadhayay[at]nic[dot]in | 145, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Ravish Prasad | DS (CP)/RP | 23012304 | ravishprasad[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in | 340, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Sanjay Kumar | DS (Navy-II), DoD | |||
Shri Sanjay Pant | DS(AF/Org)/MoD Fin | 23019047 | dirn2-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 376, Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Anand | DS (Armed Forces), DoD | 23010461 | anand[dot]248[at]gov[dot]in | 313 D-1, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Somvir Singh | DS (Vig-BR&MES) | 23793245 | - | Room No. 138, Kashmir House |
Shri Sunil Kumar Pal | DS (BR.II) | 23012726 | sunilar[dot]pal70[at]nic[dot]in | 220-C, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Raj Kumar | DS (Res-II) | 23010461 | rajkumar[dot]csf[at]nic[dot]in | 313, D-I, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Surender Kumar | DFA (AG/PD) | |||
Shri J.S. Malik | DS (Proc) | 23011455 | 220 B, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Moinak Mukherjee | Director (MIS & Vig) | 23017648 | dsmis-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 316-A, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan,New Delhi |
Shri Rahul Mahna | DS (G&GS-III) | 23011896 | dsgs3-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 202-II, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Kaushlendra Pratap Singh | DS (IC) | 23015187 | dsic-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 229, 2nd Floor, South Block, New Delhi |
Ms. Kamana Sharma. Dikshit | DS (PMU) & (Air/Acq) | 23794463 | dikshit[dot]kamna[at]nic[dot]in | 154, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Vikash Kumar | DS (Ceremonials) | 23013789 | 283-B, South Block, New Delhi | |
Shri Akhil Akhouri | DS (CG Policy, Proc & Infra) | 23010590 | ||
Shri Sanap Bajirao Ramnath | DS (IAF) | 23010285 | 208 D I South Block, New Delhi |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Office Address | |
Shri Hemant Kumar Sharma | US (IT) | 23793681 | us[dot]it-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 217, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Sunil Kumar Adlakha | US (Est-1/Gp-1) | 23012846 | us[dot]gp1-dod[at]nic[dot]in | 319-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Abhay Kumar Srivastava | US (Est-1/Gp-II) | 23012538 | use1gp2[dot]dod[at]gov[dot]in | 319, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Ms. Bindu Laxmi Pradeep | US (Civ.I) | 23012414 | bindu[dot]pradeep[at]nic[dot]in | 150-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Devender Singh | US (Air-I) | 23010231, (Extn:5374) | dev[dot]mishra[at]nic[dot]in | 347, Vayu Bhawan |
Shri Amit Singh Rathour | US (Civ.II) | 23012414 | amit[dot]rathour[at]nic[dot]in | 150-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Gopal Mehra | US (JCM) | 23011260 | djcm-dod[at]gov[dot]in | 136, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Chetan Dass | US (CBU)/History Div.) | 21411662 | uscbu-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 240, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Mahender Singh | US (O&M) | 23013963 | usbg-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 156, B Wing, Sena BHawan |
Shri Sandeep Kumar | US (Parl) | 23012560 | usparl-def[at]nic[dot]in | 18, South Block |
Shri Avinash Chandra Sharma | US (Coord) | 23012729 | coord-dod[at]gov[dot]in | 233, B-Wing, Sena Bhavan |
Shri Sanjay Vasnik | US (Ceremonials) | 23016547 | usceremonial-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 1, South Block |
Shri Rajeev Kumar | OSD US (IC-VI) | 23794126 | diric5-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 2, South Block |
Ms. Deepa Pande | US (Lands), DoD | 23014410, Fax - 23014410 | - | 117-B, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Smt. Sandhya Sreedhar | US (AFT Cell) | 23792530 | usaft-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 308-A, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan |
vacant | OSD (IC-I) | 23792046 | vsic1-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 2, South Block |
Shri Ajay Paul | US (BR-I) | 23011956 | paul[dot]ajay[at]gov[dot]in | Sena Bhawan |
Shri Keshav Kumar Mushahary | US (BR -II) | 23016978 | Sena Bhawan | |
Shri Pankaj Jha | US (Est-2/Genl.I) | 23014289 | usgenl-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 320, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Girraj Meena | US (Est-2/Genl.II) | 23792205 | usgen2-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 308, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Ms. Shyamala Parsheera | OSD (IC-II) | 23014183 | shyamala[dot]par[at]gov[dot]in | 2, South Block |
Shri Mantosh Kumar Ojha | US (Med) | 23019546 | us-medical[at]gov[dot]in | 320, D-I Wing, Sena Bhavan |
Shri Sreekumar V. V. | US (CG) | 23013858 | uscg-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 218, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Suneet Kumar Diwivedi | US (GS-VI) | 23012225 | 116, B Wing, Sena Bhawan | |
Shri Ashok Kumar | US (SSC) | 23015769 | usssc-mod[at]nic[dot]in | 101, D-1 Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Bhupesh Pillai | US (Vigilance) | 23793841 | usvig-dod[at]gov[dot]in | 341-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Shri Mangal Soren | US (Vig/BR&MES) | 23010461 | 341-A, B Wing, Sena Bhawan | |
Shri Basant Narayan Tiwary | US (IC-III) | 23014937 | usics-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 2, South Block |
Smt. Usha Sreenivasan | US (PO Defence) | 23012386 | u[dot]sreenivasan[at]gov[dot]in | 23, South Block |
Shri Dharmender | US (Lands) | 23011691 | 118, B Wing, Sena Bhawan | |
Shri Sumit Kumar | US (Air Acq) | 23016305 | Vayu Bhawan | |
Shri M.P. Harinarayanan | US (Apptt) | 23010231 | Vayu Bhawan | |
Smt. Ruchi Mahajan | US (Navy-I) | 23012322 | ruchi[dot]mahajan[at]nic[dot]in | 233, B-Wing, Sena Bhavan |
Shri Ganesh Gupta | US (Acq) | 23019067 | gupta[dot]ganesh[at]nic[dot]in | 227-D, South Block |
Shri Deepak Khatwani | US (GS-IV) | 23019748 | 230-B, South Block | |
Shri Vikas Raj | US (Proc-II) | 23011688 | vikas[dot]raj[at]nic[dot]in | 225-D, South Block |
Shri Kishore Kumar | US (R&D) | 23015255 | kishore[dot]k[at]nic[dot]in | 525, DRDO Bhawan |
Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta | US (Lab.) | Sena Bhawan | ||
Shri Satish Chand | US (PMU) | 23015609 | chand[dot]satish[at]nic[dot]in | 242, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan |
Smt. Sunita Dhaundiyal | US D(G&GS-III)/D(CSD) | 23012205 | sunita[dot]dhaundiyal[at]nic[dot]in | 201, South Block |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Office Address | |
Smt. Deepali P. Chavan | Director (OL) | 23019375 | deepali[dot]chavan[at]gov[dot]in | 240, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Office Address |
Shri Praveen Srivastava | Legal Adviser | 23015642 | 205-B, South Block |
Shri Bhupesh Varma | Dy. Legal Adviser | 23792289 | 208-D(II), South Block |
Wg. Cdr. Ashish Pant | Legal Officer | 23017949 | 208-I, South Block |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Fax | Office Address | Res. Address | |
Shri Rajnath Singh | Raksha Mantri (Defence Minister) | 23012286, 23019030 (Office) | 23015403 | rmo[at]mod[dot]nic[dot]in | 104, South Block, New Delhi |
17, Akbar Road, New Delhi - 110001 |
Shri Sanjay Seth | Raksha Rajya Mantri (Minister of State for Defence) | 23792128, 23310353(Office) | 23016255 | mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in | 114-A, South Block, New Delhi | 14-E, FEROZESHAH Road, New Delhi |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Fax | Office Address | Res. Address | |
Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh, IAS (KL:1989) | Defence Secretary | 23012380, 23011976 | 23010044 | defsecy[at]nic[dot]in | 101-A, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
Bungalow No. 26, New Moti Bagh, New Delhi-110021 |
Smt. Dipti Mohil Chawla, IDAS(1995) | Additional Secretary | 23017678 | 23019658 | addlsecy-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 199-B, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
H. No. 356, K.P. Thakkar Block Asian Games Village, New Delhi-110049 |
Shri Manish Tripathi, IDAS (1998) | Joint Secretary (Medical/Parliament/Establishment) | 23018832 | 23015444 | jse[at]nic[dot]in | 198-A, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
D-II/C-9, North Moti Bagh, New Delhi - 110021 |
Shri Sanjai Bajpai | Advisor(Parl.) | 23010646 | 23011429 | usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in | 225E, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
207/05, Sector-I, Pushp Vihar, Saket, New Delhi-110017 |
Shri Sandeep Kumar | US(Parl) | 23012560 | 23011429 | usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in | 18, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
B-606, Ajnara Integrity, Raj Nagar Ext. ,Ghaziabad UP |
Shri Avon Kumar Sharma | Section Officer(Parl.) | 23012907 | usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in | 19, South Block, New Delhi-11 |
G.F. Plot No. 99, Sector 4, Vaishali Ghaziabad UP |
Shri Lalit Kumar Yadav | Section Officer(Parl.) | 23012907 | usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in | 19, South Block, New Delhi | C-3/378, Lodhi Colony New Delhi |
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Office Address |
Dr. Shubhag Chand | DDG & HoG | 23010600 | 23, South Block, New Delhi |
Smt. Seema Jain | Sr. Director(IT) | 23010600 | 23, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Vivek Kumar Mittal | Director(IT) | 23010600 | 23, South Block, New Delhi |
Directorate of Public Relations
Name | Designation | Telephone No. | Office Address | |
Shri Vijay Kumar | ADG (M&C) | 23012255 | adgmnc[dot]dprmod[at]nic[dot]in | 94, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri D Salai Maran | Director | 23019662 | Diradm[dot]dpr-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 96-B, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Sooraj R | Director (PR) | 23013972 | dpr-mod[at]gov[dot]in | 93, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Manoj Roorkiwal | PRO (D) |
23019758 |
dprdefense[at]gmail[dot]com | 96-B, South Block, New Delhi |
Shri Anil Kumar | Joint Director | 23013969 | anilkumarind[at]gmail[dot]in | 91, South Block, New Delhi |